Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Project Exploring the Internet: Day 59

ESPN is driving me nuts.... well it always does so I don't try to watch it much but if I'm needing a sports fix.... What else are you going to do?

ESPN has pretty much a monopoly on sports and they are so east-coast-biased it makes me sick. What also bothers me about them is that they blow up stories that shouldn't be and they just drive them into the ground.

Take the latest Tiger Woods incident.... Tiger crashed his car into a tree in front of his house. ESPN is making it into this big deal where EVERY 5 MINUTES they are talking about it. On Mike and Mike in the Morning, they were actually talking about wether or not they should talk about it.... FOR AN HOUR! Well, I listened for less than 5 minutes, turned it off, and then about an hour later switched back and they were still talking about it, then I shut it off again.


It's either that or it's NY teams this, NY teams that. I don't like NY teams! So I try to stay away from ESPN.

I'll watch NBA TV when I can or Fox Sports North. FSN though doesn't have the same coverage. They have a lot of fishing shows etc.

So I started thinking, where can you get sports online that isn't the Eastcoast SPorts Network?

All Sports:
Yahoo Sports





Sports Talk Radio:
Fox Sports Radio, KFAN MPLS (Although KFAN is becoming less and less sports for some reason. It think the radio personalities have just gotten bored talking sports. Maybe time to get someone in that WANTS to talk sports on a SPORTS TALK RADIO STATION!), The Ticket Dallas, Atlanta 790, Calgary 770, Florida 790, Toronto 590, St. Louis 590, Utah 1320, Oklahoma 98.1, Seattle 950, Memphis 560

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