Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Project Exploring the Internet: Day 38

Want a vampire name?


Go to http://www.emmadavies.net/vampire/.

Mine said:

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Hanzi Cromwell

Known in some parts of the world as:
Master of The Highway Thieves

The Great Archives Record:
Takes more than gold from the rich on the highway - takes blood too.

Yeah, I've never heard of that site before either. Kinda fun eh.

Then I got to thinking, what other name generators are there out there.

I find a Fairy Name Generator.

For me, it came out:

Your fairy is called Tangle Rainbowshimmer.

She is a fortune bringer.

She lives at the bottom of tangled gardens and in hedgerows.

She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom.

She wears tangled dresses of multicoloured petals. She has multicoloured wings like a butterfly.

Ok, but I'm a guy. Come on Fairy people! Jody is a GUYS name too! LOL.

Then I found a Pirate Name Generator.

We'll now call ye:

Hackin' Dan Hacke

Ummmm.... OK LOL

Then I found a Renaissance Name Generator:

Ahhh We know just the name for you!

Garrison Conner Blair

Have fun with those and let me know what it came up with for you.


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