Friday, November 27, 2009

Project Exploring the Internet: Day 55

I'm having fun this morning exploring different places on Google Maps.

The first time I checked out Google Maps I got directions. But it was just a street map. Then I did some more exploring into it and found out that if you click the "Satellite" tab in the upper right hand corner, you get a satellite view. In most places it even lets you zoom in so far you can see the top of your house or car, close enough you can accurately describe someones place with color and size etc.

They make it pretty easy to find your place or someplace you are looking for. All you have to do is type in an address. It takes you right there.

So, I used my imagination and typed in "Vatican City." I was curious to see what it looked like there. I didn't really notice much. There were a LOT of cars.

Next I typed in "White House." It's very green, lot's of trees.

Then I went to the Dallas Cowboys new stadium. That view must have been a couple years old because it was just being built. They just started playing there this year but the stadium only looks half built in the satellite view.

Well, then I went to and started typing in the name of a friend I grew up with to get his address. Then I went back to the map and found his place.

Wow, it's amazing what you can do online.

It sure does make getting directions to a place a LOT easier.


You can see the road with your own eyes and take the trip that way before you actually physically take the trip.

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