Friday, October 9, 2009

Project Exploring the Internet: Day 6

28 degrees right now.... BRRRRRRRR

We're going to be trick-or-treating in 3 weeks in our winter clothes. We won't need costumes. LOL

So when it's too cold to do much outside (there is no snow yet), what is there to do?

You could read.

You've probably read all of the books on your shelf though right? There is a large library of free books to read online.

Over the summer I had wondered if there were books online, so I started to research it and found some sites. Over the last couple days here, I have enhanced that search and came up with some places to find online books and some pretty good books as well:


Scribd - Scribd has a lot of free books to read but it has so much more than just books. It has coloring pages and worksheets for kids, recipes, magazines, various documents, and writings by their members.

A book from
Lakes and Sea Monsters


Online Books from UPenn - This site has over 35,000 free books.

Books I plan to read from UPenn:
Indian Life and Indian History, The life, history and travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh, The traditional history and characteristic sketches of the Ojibway nation


Project Gutenberg - It has a large catalog of books and great search methods. You can search by top 100 all time, top 100 yesterday, authors, and also by titles.

Popular books from Gutenberg:
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice, The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, Frankenstein


Questia - Questia has more than 5,000 books for free.

Popular Books from Questia:
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan of the Apes, Jane Eyre, The Scarlet Letter, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin


Classic Book Library - It doesn't let you search by author or title but it does by genre. It doesn't have as many books as the other sites.

A popular book from the Classic Book Library:
Great Expectations

_____________________________ - Full Books has many many free books. The problem with this site is that there is no search engine. You simply have to click on the A’s or B’s to search for book titles that start with those letters.

My picks from Full Books:
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Old Indian Days, Old Indian Legends


Authorama - Not a lot of books and one can only search by authors but it has some nice books.

My picks from Authorama:
Wau-Bun, Indian Heroes by Charles Eastman

_____________________________ - I'm not real excited about how they allow you to search for books but the site looks good. They have some interesting books for kids.

A book I'm curious about from
Among the Sioux

_____________________________ - They have many popular fiction novels.

Popular books from
Little Women, Wuthering Heights

_____________________________ - You may search this site by authors. There are a lot of good books here.

My picks from
Booker T. Washington - Up From Slavery (Autobiography), My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass, Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, The Art of War by Sun Tzu


Now, go read some books, but don't forget to read Project Exploring the Internet as well.


Freebie of the Day: Free sample of Dromeo Pain Relief Lotion


2Wired2Tired said...

Great list! I can't wait to "retire" just so I can sit around all day reading real books, reading books online, and going to the library. Really, I'm that much of a nerd. Thanks for the sites, I'm off to check them out.

Thanks for visiting my blog too. I love the idea of your blog, there's just so much out there, I'm following and looking forward to reading about what else you find in cyberspace.

Jen said...

unbelievable-I had no idea you could read a whole book on line!
you taught me something new!

Jody said...

Thanks. Both of you put a smile on my face.


Helen McGinn said...

Great blog, nice to meet you; look forward to reading more!

Thanks for sharing that info, I had no idea!