Saturday, October 24, 2009

Project Exploring the Internet: Day 21

Whoa! The "Followers" are back up. Right on. It's been a few days.

So last night coming home from the store, where I bought a new set of headphones with an attached microphone, I wondered outloud to my wife if there was any site that offered karaoake where you could sing to a song and then record it and save it.

So when I got home, I did a search for one, and yep, there is one! has a lot of good songs to pick from. You create your own profile there (of course it's all free) and then add a picture. It's kinda like blogger with music instead of blogs.

You also have the option to go check out the recordings of other users.

Nope, I can't sing well, so I'm not recording anything except for maybe some kids songs with my kids. LOL

Some other Karoake sites I came across but haven't tried yet: - You can rate other users' recordings. I don't want people rating my singing. LOL



Connie said...

Cool! These sound like fun! :)

Jen said...

NO way. I won't even sing in the shower~~not even if 1000 miles from civilization do I sing.
I'm doing all of you a favor. lol

Jody said...

LOL @ Jen.

I figured out in high school when I THOUGHT I could sing that I couldn't. I decided to tape myself to see what other people heard when I sing. It sounded so friggin bad!!!! I couldn't believe how bad I was LOL.

A Bon Jovi or Guns N Roses song comes on the radio and my wife turns it up. Not really because she likes the song, but because she KNOWS I'll be singing.


Jody said...

I do have to sing in class sometimes. Torture for the students!
